FLAGSHIPS shortlisted for prestigious EU Award
With two zero-emission vessels successfully deployed on European waterways, FLAGSHIPS has been selected by the jury as one of three projects in the category for environmental impact.
Our European partners have expertise in ship operations, fuel cell technology, electrical power systems, ship design and energy management.
FLAGSHIPS takes zero-emission waterborne transport to the next level by deploying two hydrogen-powered vessels in commercial operation.
With two zero-emission vessels successfully deployed on European waterways, FLAGSHIPS has been selected by the jury as one of three projects in the category for environmental impact.
Marking a groundbreaking milestone in sustainable transport, the Sogestran Group launched the ZULU 06, France’s first hydrogen-powered river vessel, on the Seine in Paris today.
The FLAGSHIPS project takes home the Best Outreach Award at EU Hydrogen Week, celebrating its pioneering role in zero-emission waterborne transport and hydrogen innovation. At the EU Hydrogen Week stage
HySchool Days is the premier networking event organised by HySchool ‒ Norwegian Research School on Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Based Fuels.
Find out more »The FLAGSHIPS project has received funding from Clean Hydrogen Partnership (previously Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking) under grant agreement No 826215. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and from Hydrogen Europe.
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