In May FLAGSHIPS representatives met with the Elektra vessel group to exchange information and experiences on the safety aspect of hydrogen applications.
The FLAGSHIPS project will cooperate with relevant organisation such as
CESNI, IMO and certification bodies to speed up the introduction of hydrogen
for the maritime sector both for inland and coastal operations and for freight
and passenger transportation. The consortium will also cooperate with other
EU-project within the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology for the
shipping industry.
Both the Elektra vessel and the FLAGSHIPS Lyon vessel are
hydrogen-powered push boats operating on European rivers. The purpose of the
meeting between the two projects was to exchange information and experiences
regarding the safety aspects of hydrogen applications on push boats as well as
the European ship approval process governed by the European inland waterway
committee CESNI (Comité Européen pour l’Élaboration de Standards dans le
Domaine de Navigation Intérieure).
The meeting was hosted by Erik Schumacher, Head of Division Stationary
Fuel Cells at NOW. The FLAGSHIPS Lyon vessel activity was represented by CFT
Chief Operating Officer Matthieu Blanc and his team as well as other project
members. Elektra was represented by among others Technical University of Berlin
Professor Gerd Holbach who is leading the activity. Also the European Fuel
Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, the Hamburg area innovation coordinator
hySOLUTIONS as well as several members of CESNI were present at the meeting.
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