Ever-tightening regulations has caused shipping industry need to look for alternatives for conventional fuels. Hydrogen is seen as one of the key contributors in mitigation of emissions from shipping. The FLAGSHIPS project is an EU funded co-operative which aims to raise the readiness-level of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in shipping by deploying two hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels. One of the vessels is a self-propelled barge in Paris, France and the other one is passenger and car ferry in Stavanger, Norway. This paper presents the status of the project and discuss the key learnings in the project so far.
Public Project Deliverables
- D5.2 – Common safety analysis e-tools (2022)
- D1.5 – Mid-term review report (2021)
- D5.1 – Common applicable safety regulations and approaches (2020)
- D1.4 – Plan for management of project IPR and data (2020)
- D1.3 – Plan for project risk management and quality assurance (2020)
- D1.1 – Kick-off meeting report (2019)
- D7.1 – Project webpage (2019)